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D-Link DGS-108 8 Port Gigabit

D-Link DGS-108 8 Port Gigabit

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Availability: 2-3 Day Delivery

£ 30.41 inc VAT


Smaller switches great for advanced home users that would prefer to not connect everything through Wi-Fi and congesting their network. This switch functions like a power strip - one cable turns into multiple. Run a single cable from the router and then turn that cable to multiple gadgets
Plug-and-play makes it easy to instantly create a network connected to the internet, without fiddling with any configurations whatsoever
Gigabit Ethernet transfer speeds make it ideal for transferring files quickly and online gaming. With front, easy-to-access Ethernet ports with two colour LED light indicators per port to make it easy to distinguish the link status
Register and enjoy Limited Lifetime Warranty support from one of the global leaders in the industry

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