Seagate Basic 2TB USB 3.0 Black 2.5" Portable External Hard Drive

The Easy Way to Store and Go Take on your day with simple, reliable backup. Simple, compact, and PC compatible, SeagateĀ® Basic portable drive gives you additional on-the-go storage and lets you take along large files when you travel. Leverage simple drag-and-drop usability Expand your computer...
Seagate Basic 4TB USB 3.0 Black 2.5" Portable Extertnal Drive

The Easy Way to Store and Go Take on your day with simple, reliable backup. Simple, compact, and PC compatible, SeagateĀ® Basic portable drive gives you additional on-the-go storage and lets you take along large files when you travel. Leverage simple drag-and-drop usability Expand your computer...
Seagate Expansion Portable 4 TB External Hard Drive

About this item Twice the storage capacity of comparably-sized portable drives Ideal add-on storage for your PC, Xbox One or PS4 Drag and drop file saving, right out of the box Powered by USB, no mains plug required; the hard drive is automatically recognised by the Windows operating system-no s...
Seagate Basic 1TB USB 3.0 Black 2.5" Portable External Hard Drive

The Easy Way to Store and Go Take on your day with simple, reliable backup. Simple, compact, and PC compatible, SeagateĀ® Basic portable drive gives you additional on-the-go storage and lets you take along large files when you travel. Leverage simple drag-and-drop usability Expand your computer...